Regents Physics PowerPoint Presentation
Compiled summer 2004
Joan Jakubowski

Physics Units
I. Physics Skills
II. Mechanics
III. Energy
IV. Electricity and Magnetism
V. Waves
VI. Modern Physics

I. Physics Skills
A. Scientific Notation
B. Graphing
C. Significant Figures
D. Units
E. Prefixes
F. Estimation

A. Scientific Notation
Use for very large or very small numbers
Write number with one digit to the left of the decimal followed by an exponent (1.5 x 105)
Examples: 2.1 x 103 represents 2100 and 3.6 x 10-4 represents 0.00036

Scientific Notation Problems
1. Write 365,000,000 in scientific notation
2. Write 0.000087 in scientific notation

1.) 3.65 x 108
2.) 8.7 x 10-5

B. Graphing
Use graphs to make a “picture” of scientific data
“independent variable”, the one you change in your experiment is graphed on the “x” axis and listed first in a table
“dependent variable”, the one changed by your experiment is graphed on the “y” axis and listed second in a table

"Best fit “line”"
Best fit “line” or “curve” is drawn once points are plotted. Does not have to go through all points. Just gives you the “trend” of the points
The “slope” of the line is given as the change in the “y” value divided by the change in the “x” value

Types of Graphs
1. Direct Relationship means an increase/decrease in one variable causes an increase/decrease in the other
Example below

2. Inverse(indirect) relationship means that an increase in one variable causes a decrease in the other variable and vice versa

3. Constant proportion means that a change in one variable doesn’t affect the other variable

4. If either variable is squared(whether the relationship is direct or indirect), the graph will curve more steeply.

C. Significant figures
Uncertainty in measurements is expressed by using significant figures
The more accurate or precise a measurement is, the more digits will be significant

Significant Figure Rules
1. Zeros that appear before a nonzero digit are not significant (examples: 0.002 has 1 significant figure and 0.13 has 2 significant figures)
2. Zeros that appear between nonzero digits are significant (examples: 1002 has 4 significant figures and 0.405 has 3 significant figures)

Significant figures rules(cont.)
3. zeros that appear after a nonzero digit are significant only if they are followed by a decimal point (20. has 2 sig figs) or if they appear to the right of the decimal point (35.0 has 3 sig figs)

Sig Fig problems
1. How many significant figures does 0.050900 contain?
2. How many significant figures does 4800 contain?

1. 5 sig figs
2. 2 sig figs

D. Units
1. Fundamental units are units that can’t be broken down
2. Derived units are made up of other units and then renamed
3. SI units are standardized units used by scientists worldwide

Fundamental Units
Meter (m)– length, distance, displacement, height, radius, elongation or compression of a spring, amplitude, wavelength
Kilogram (kg)– mass
Second (s)– time, period
Ampere (A)– electric current
Degree (o)– angle

Derived Units
Meter per second (m/s)– speed, velocity
Meter per second squared (m/s2)– acceleration
Newton (N)– force
Kilogram times meter per second (kg.m/s)– momentum
Newton times second (N.s)-- impulse

Derived Units (cont.)
Joule (J)– work, all types of energy
Watt (W)– power
Coulomb (C)– electric charge
Newton per Coulomb (N/C)– electric field strength (intensity)
Volt (V)- potential difference (voltage)
Electronvolt (eV)– energy (small amounts)

Derived Units (cont.)
Ohm (Ω)– resistance
Ohm times meter (Ω.m)– resistivity
Weber (Wb)– number of magnetic field (flux) lines
Tesla (T)– magnetic field (flux) density
Hertz (Hz)-- frequency

E. Prefixes
Adding prefixes to base units makes them smaller or larger by powers of ten
The prefixes used in Regents Physics are tera, giga, mega, kilo, deci, centi, milli, micro, nano and pico

Prefix Examples
A terameter is 1012 meters, so… 4 Tm would be 4 000 000 000 000 meters
A gigagram is 109 grams, so… 9 Gg would be 9 000 000 000 grams
A megawatt is 106 watts, so… 100 MW would be 100 000 000 watts
A kilometer is 103 meters, so… 45 km would be 45 000 meters

Prefix examples (cont.)
A decigram is 10-1 gram, so… 15 dg would be 1.5 grams
A centiwatt is 10-2 watt, so… 2 dW would be 0.02 Watt
A millisecond is 10-3 second, so… 42 ms would be 0.042 second

Prefix examples (cont.)
A microvolt is 10-6 volt, so… 8 µV would be 0.000 008 volt
A nanojoule is 10-9 joule, so… 530 nJ would be 0.000 000 530 joule
A picometer is 10-12 meter, so… 677 pm would be 0.000 000 000 677 meter

Prefix Problems
1.) 16 terameters would be how many meters?
2.) 2500 milligrams would be how many grams?
3.) 1596 volts would be how many gigavolts?
4.) 687 amperes would be how many nanoamperes?

1.) 16 000 000 000 000 meters
2.) 2.500 grams
3.) 1596 000 000 000 gigavolts
4.) 0.000 000 687 amperes

F. Estimation
You can estimate an answer to a problem by rounding the known information
You also should have an idea of how large common units are

Estimation (cont.)
2 cans of Progresso soup are just about the mass of            1 kilogram
1 medium apple weighs          1 newton
The length of an average Physics student’s leg is 1 meter

Estimation Problems
1.) Which object weighs approximately one newton?  Dime, paper clip, student, golf ball
2.) How high is an average doorknob from the floor?  101m, 100m, 101m, 10-2m

1.) golf ball
2.) 100m

II. Mechanics
A. Kinematics; vectors, velocity, acceleration
B. Kinematics; freefall
C. Statics
D. Dynamics
E. 2-dimensional motion
F. Uniform Circular motion
G. Mass, Weight, Gravity
H. Friction
I. Momentum and Impulse

Kinematics; vectors, velocity, acceleration
In physics, quantities can be vector or scalar
VECTOR quantities have a magnitude (a number), a unit and a direction
Example; 22m(south)

"SCALAR quantities only have a..."
SCALAR quantities only have a magnitude and a unit
Example; 22m

"VECTOR quantities;"
VECTOR quantities; displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, weight, momentum, impulse, electric field strength
SCALAR quantities; distance, mass, time, speed, work(energy), power

Distance vs. Displacement
Distance is the entire pathway an object travels
Displacement is the “shortest” pathway from the beginning to the end

Distance/Displacement Problems
1.) A student walks 12m due north and then 5m due east. What is the student’s resultant displacement? Distance?
2.) A student walks 50m due north and then walks 30m due south. What is the student’s resultant displacement? Distance?

1.) 13m (NE) for displacement
17 m for distance
2.) 20m (N) for displacement 80 m for distance

Speed vs. Velocity
Speed is the distance an object moves in a unit of time
Velocity is the displacement of an object in a unit of time

Average Speed/Velocity Equations


Speed/Velocity Problems
1.) A boy is coasting down a hill on a skateboard. At 1.0s he is traveling at 4.0m/s and at 4.0s he is traveling at 10.0m/s. What distance did he travel during that time period? (In all problems given in Regents Physics, assume acceleration is constant)

1.) You must first find the boy’s average speed/velocity before you are able to find the distance

Answers (cont.)

The time rate change of velocity is acceleration (how much you speed up or slow down in a unit of time)
We will only be dealing with constant (uniform) acceleration

Symbols (cont.)

Constant Acceleration Equations

Constant Acceleration Problems
1.) A car initially travels at 20m/s on a straight, horizontal road. The driver applies the brakes, causing the car to slow down at a constant rate of 2m/s2 until it comes to a stop. What was the car’s stopping distance? (Use two different methods to solve the problem)

First Method
Use  vf2=vi2+2ad to find “d”

Answer (cont.)
Second Method

B. Kinematics: freefall
In a vacuum (empty space), objects fall freely at the same rate
The rate at which objects fall is known as “g”, the acceleration due to gravity
On earth, the “g” is 9.81m/s2

Solving Freefall Problems
To solve freefall problems use the constant acceleration equations
Assume a freely falling object has a vi=0m/s
Assume a freely falling object has an a=9.81m/s2

Freefall Problems
1.) How far will an object near Earth’s surface fall in 5s?
2.) How long does it take for a rock to fall 60m? How fast will it be going when it hits the ground
3.) In a vacuum, which will hit the ground first if dropped from 10m, a ball or a feather?


Answers (cont.)

Answers (cont.)
3.) Both hit at the same time because “g” the acceleration due to gravity is constant. It doesn’t depend on mass of object because it is a ratio

Solving Anti??? Freefall Problems
If you toss an object straight up, that is the opposite of freefall.
vf  is now 0m/s
a is -9.8lm/s2
Because the object is slowing down not speeding up

Antifreefall Problems
1.) How fast do you have to toss a ball straight up if you want it reach a height of 20m?
2.) How long will the ball in problem #1 take to reach the 20m height?


Answers (cont.)

C. Statics
The study of the effect of forces on objects at rest
Force is a push or pull
The unit of force is the newton(N) (a derived vector quantity)

Adding forces
When adding concurrent (acting on the same object at the same time) forces follow three rules to find the resultant (the combined effect of the forces)
1.) forces at 00, add them
2.) forces at 1800, subtract them
3.) forces at 900, use Pythagorean Theorem

Force Diagrams
Forces at 00
Forces at 1800
Forces at 900

Composition of Forces Problems
1.) Find the resultant of two 5.0N forces at 00? 1800? And 900?

1.) 00
         5N  5N    =    10N

Answers (cont.)
1.) 1800
      5N     5N     =    0N

Answers (cont.)
1.) 900
  5N                       =
            5N                        7.1N

Resolution of forces
The opposite of adding concurrent forces.
Breaking a resultant force into its component forces
Only need to know components(2 forces) at a 900 angle to each other

Resolving forces using Graphical Method
To find the component forces of the resultant force
1.) Draw x and y axes at the tail of the resultant force
2.) Draw lines from the head of the force to each of the axes
3.) From the tail of the resultant force to where the lines intersect the axes, are the lengths of the component forces

Resolution Diagram
Black arrow=resultant force
Orange lines=reference lines
Green arrows=component forces

Resolving Forces Using Algebraic Method

Equilibrium occurs when the net force acting on an object is zero
Zero net force means that when you take into account all the forces acting on an object, they cancel each other out

Equilibrium (cont.)
An object in equilibrium can either be at rest or can be moving with constant (unchanging) velocity
An “equilibrant” is a force equal and opposite to the resultant force that keeps an object in equilibrium

Equilibrium Diagram
Black arrows=components
Blue arrow=resultant
Red arrow=equilibrant

1.) 10N, 8N and 6N forces act concurrently on an object that is in equilibrium. What is the equilibrant of the 10N and 6N forces? Explain.
2.) A person pushes a lawnmower with a force of 300N at an angle of 600 to the ground. What are the vertical and horizontal components of the 300N force?

1.) The 8N force is the equilibrant (which is also equal to and opposite the resultant) The 3 forces keep the object in equilibrium, so the third force is always the equilibrant of the other two forces.

Answers (cont.)

C. Dynamics
The study of how forces affect the motion of an object
Use Newton’s Three Laws of Motion to describe Dynamics

Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
Also called the law of inertia
Inertia is the property of an object to resist change. Inertia is directly proportional to the object’s mass
“An object will remain in equilibrium (at rest or moving with constant speed) unless acted upon by an unbalanced force”

Newton’s Second Law of Motion
“When an unbalanced (net) force acts on an object, that object accelerates in the direction of the force”
How much an object accelerates depends on the force exerted on it and the object’s mass (See equation)

Fnet=the net force exerted on an object (the resultant of all forces on an object) in newtons (N)
m=mass in kilograms (kg)
a=acceleration in m/s2

Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Also called law of action-reaction
“When an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force equal and opposite to the first force”
Masses of each of the objects don’t affect the size of the forces (will affect the results of the forces)

Free-Body Diagrams
A drawing (can be to scale) that shows all concurrent forces acting on an object
Typical forces are the force of gravity, the normal force, the force of friction, the force of acceleration, the force of tension, etc.

Free-body Forces
Fg is the force of gravity or weight of an object (always straight down)
FN is the “normal” force (the force of a surface pushing up against an object)
Ff is the force of friction which is always opposite the motion
Fa is the force of acceleration caused by a push or pull

Free-Body Diagrams
If object is moving with constant speed to the right….
Black arrow=Ff
Green arrow=Fg
Yellow arrow=FN
Blue arrow=Fa

Free-Body Diagrams on a Slope
When an object is at rest or moving with constant speed on a slope, some things about the forces change and some don’t
1.) Fg is still straight down
2.) Ff is still opposite motion
3.) FN is no longer equal and opposite to Fg
4.) Ff is still opposite motion

Free-Body Diagrams on a Slope
Fg=mg (still straight down)
On a horizontal surface, force of gravity and normal force are equal and opposite
On a slope, the normal force is equal and opposite to the “y” component of the force of gravity

Free-Body Diagram on a Slope
Green arrow=FN
Red arrow=Fg
Black arrows=Fa and Ff
Orange dashes=Ay
Purple dashes=Ax

Dynamics Problems
1.) Which has more inertia a 0.75kg pile of feathers or a 0.50kg pile of lead marbles?
2.) An unbalanced force of 10.0N acts on a 20.0kg mass for 5.0s. What is the acceleration of the mass?

1.) The 0.75kg pile of feathers has more inertia because it has more mass. Inertia is dependent on the “mass” of the object

Answers (cont.)

More Problems
3.)  A 10N book rests on a horizontal tabletop. What is the force of the tabletop on the book?
4.) How much force would it take to accelerate a 2.0kg object 5m/s2? How much would that same force accelerate a 1.0kg object?

1.) The force of the tabletop on the book is also 10N (action/reaction)

Answers (cont.)

E. 2-Dimensional Motion
To describe an object moving 2-dimensionally, the motion must be separated into a “horizontal” component and a “vertical” component (neither has an effect on the other)
Assume the motion occurs in a “perfect physics world”; a vacuum with no friction

Types of 2-D Motion
1.) Projectiles fired horizontally
an example would be a baseball tossed straight horizontally away from you

Projectile Fired Horizontally
Use the table below to solve these type of 2-D problems

Types of 2-D Motion
2.) Projectiles fired at an angle
an example would be a soccer ball lofted into the air and then falling back onto the ground

Projectile Fired at an Angle
Use the table below to solve these type of 2-D problems
Ax=Acosθ and Ay=Asinθ

2-D Motion Problems
1.) A girl tossed a ball horizontally with a speed of 10.0m/s from a bridge 7.0m above a river. How long did the ball take to hit the river? How far from the bottom of the bridge did the ball hit the river?

1.) In this problem you are asked to find time and horizontal distance (see table on the next page)

Answers (cont.)

Answers (cont.)

More 2-D Motion Problems
2.) A soccer ball is kicked at an angle of 600 from the ground with an angular velocity of 10.0m/s. How high does the soccer ball go? How far away from where it was kicked does it land? How long does its flight take?

2.) In this problem you are asked to find vertical distance, horizontal distance and horizontal time. Finding vertical time is usually the best way to start. (See table on next page)

Answers (cont.)

Answers (cont.)
Find vertical “t” first using
vf=vi+at     with….
So…vertical “t”=0.89s  and horizontal “t” is twice that
and equals 1.77s

Answers (cont.)
Find horizontal “d” using

Answers (cont.)
Find vertical “d” by using

F. Uniform Circular Motion
When an object moves with constant speed in a circular path
The force (centripetal) will be constant towards the center
Acceleration (centripetal) will only be a direction change towards the center
Velocity will be tangent to the circle in the direction of movement

Uniform Circular Motion Symbols
Fc=centripetal force, (N)
v=constant velocity (m/s)
ac=centripetal acceleration (m/s2)
r=radius of the circular pathway (m)
m=mass of the object in motion (kg)

Uniform Circular Motion Diagram

Uniform Circular Motion Equations

Uniform Circular Motion Problems
1.) A 5kg cart travels in a circle of radius 2m with a constant velocity of 4m/s. What is the centripetal force exerted on the cart that keeps it on its circular pathway?


G. Mass, Weight and Gravity
Mass is the amount of matter in an object
Weight is the force of gravity pulling down on an object
Gravity is a force of attraction between objects

Mass is measured in kilograms (kg)
Mass doesn’t change with location (for example, if  you travel to the moon your mass doesn’t change)

Weight is measured in newtons (N)
Weight “does” change with location because it is dependent on the pull of gravity
Weight is equal to mass times the acceleration due to gravity

Weight/Force of Gravity Equations

Gravitational Field Strength
g=acceleration due to gravity but it is also equal to “gravitational field strength”
The units of acceleration due to gravity are m/s2
The units of gravitational field strength are N/kg
Both quantities are found from the equation:

Mass, Weight, Gravity Problems
1.) If the distance between two masses is doubled, what happens to the gravitational force between them?
2.) If the distance between two objects is halved and the mass of one of the objects is doubled, what happens to the gravitational force between them?

1.) Distance has an inverse squared relationship with the force of gravity.
So…since r is multiplied by 2 in the problem, square 2……so….22=4, then take the inverse of that square which equals ¼….so….the answer is “¼ the original Fg

Answers (cont.)
2.) Mass has a direct relationship with Fg  and distance has an inverse squared relationship with Fg.
First…since m is doubled so is Fg and since r is halved, square ½ , which is ¼ and then take the inverse which is 4.
Then…combine 2x4=8
So…answer is “8 times Fg

More Problems
3.) Determine the force of gravity between a 2kg and a 3kg object that are 5m apart.
4.) An object with a mass of 10kg has a weight of 4N on Planet X. What is the acceleration due to gravity on Planet X? What is the gravitational field strength on Planet X?


H. Friction
The force that opposes motion measured in newtons (N)
Always opposite direction of motion
“Static Friction” is the force that opposes the “start of motion”
“Kinetic Friction” is the force of friction between objects in contact that are in motion

Coefficient of Friction
The ratio of the force of friction to the normal force (no unit, since newtons cancel out)
Ff= μFN
μ=coefficient of friction
Ff=force of friction
FN=normal force

Coefficient of Friction
The smaller the coefficient, the easier the surfaces slide over one another
The larger the coefficient, the harder it is to slide the surfaces over one another
Use the table in the reference tables

Coefficient of Friction Problems
1.) A horizontal force is used to pull a 2.0kg cart at constant speed of 5.0m/s across a tabletop. The force of friction between the cart and the tabletop is 10N. What is the coefficient of friction between the cart and the tabletop? Is the friction force kinetic or static? Why?

The friction force is kinetic because the cart is moving over the tabletop

I. Momentum and Impulse
Momentum is a vector quantity that is the product of mass and velocity (unit is kg.m/s)
Impulse is the product of the force applied to an object and time (unit is N.s)

Momentum and Impulse Symbols
Δp=change in momentum= (usually) m(vf-vi)

Momentum and Impulse Equations

Momentum and Impulse Problems
1.) A 5.0kg cart at rest experiences a 10N.s (E) impulse. What is the cart’s velocity after the impulse?
2.)  A 1.0kg cart at rest is hit by a 0.2kg cart moving to the right at 10.0m/s. The collision causes the 1.0kg cart to move to the right at 3.0m/s. What is the velocity of the 0.2kg cart after the collision?

1.) Use J=Δp    so……
and since original p was 0kg.m/s and Δp=10kg.m/s(E),
 new p=10kg.m/s(E)
then use….. p=mv     so……..
10kg.m/s(E)=5.0kg x v    so….

Answers (cont.)
2.) Use pbefore=pafter
Pbefore=0kg.m/s + 2kg.m/s(right)
Pafter=2kg.m/s(right)=3kg.m/s +
P(0.2kg cart)  so….p of 0.2kg cart must be -1kg.m/s or 1kg.m/s(left)

Answers (cont.)
So if p after collision of 0.2kg cart is 1kg.m/s(left) and
         1kg.m/s(left)=0.2kg x v
And v=5m/s(left)

III. Energy
A. Work and Power
B. Potential and Kinetic Energy
C. Conservation of Energy
D. Energy of a Spring

A. Work and Power
Work is using energy to move an object a distance
Work is scalar
The unit of work is the Joule (J)
Work and energy are manifestations of the same thing, that is why they have the same unit of Joules

Work and Power (cont.)
Power is the rate at which work is done so there is a “time” factor in power but not in work
Power and time are inversely proportional; the less time it takes to do work the more power is developed
The unit of power is the watt (W)
Power is scalar

Work and Power Symbols
W=work in Joules (J)
F=force in newtons (N)
d=distance in meters (m)
ΔET=change in total energy in Joules (J)
P=power in watts (W)
t=time in seconds (s)

Work and Power Equations
***When work is done vertically, “F” can be the weight of the object Fg=mg

Work and Power Problems
1.) A 2.5kg object is moved 2.0m in 2.0s after receiving a horizontal push of 10.0N. How much work is done on the object? How much power is developed? How much would the object’s total energy change?
2.) A horizontal 40.0N force causes a box to move at a constant rate of 5.0m/s. How much power is developed? How much work is done against friction in 4.0s?

1.) to find work use W=Fd
So…W=10.0N x 2.0m=20.0J
To find power use P=W/t
To find total energy change it’s the same as work done so……

Answers (cont.)
2.) To find power use
So… P=40.0N x 5.0m/s=200W
To find work use P=W/t so…200W=W/4.0s

More problems
3.) A 2.0kg object is raised vertically 0.25m. What is the work done raising it?
4.) A lift hoists a 5000N object vertically, 5.0 meters in the air. How much work was done lifting it?

3.) to find work use W=Fd with F equal to the weight of the object
So…..W=mg x d

Answers (cont.)
4.) to find work use W=Fd
Even though it is vertical motion, you don’t have to multiply by “g” because weight is already given in newtons
So…W=Fd=5000N x 5.0m
And W=25000J

B. Potential and Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy is energy of position above the earth
Elastic Potential Energy is energy due to compression or elongation of a spring
Kinetic Energy is energy due to motion
The unit for all types of energy is the same as for work the Joule (J). All energy is scalar

Gravitational Potential Energy Symbols and Equation
ΔPE=change in gravitational potential energy in Joules (J)
m=mass in kilograms (kg)
g=acceleration due to gravity in (m/s2)
Δh=change in height in meters (m)
Equation    ΔPE=mgΔh
***Gravitational PE only changes if there is a change in vertical position

Gravitational PE Problems
1.) How much potential energy is gained by a 5.2kg object lifted from the floor to the top of a 0.80m high table?
2.) How much work is done in the example above?

1.) Use ΔPE=mgΔh to find potential energy gained so ΔPE=5.2kgx9.81m/s2x0.80m
2.) W=ΔET so..W is also 40.81J

Kinetic Energy Symbols and Equation
KE=kinetic energy in Joules (J)
m=mass in kilograms (kg)
v=velocity or speed in (m/s)

Kinetic Energy Problems
1.) If the speed of a car is doubled, what happens to its kinetic energy?
2.) A 6.0kg cart possesses 75J of kinetic energy. How fast is it going?

1.) Using KE=1/2mv2 if v is doubled, because v if squared KE will be quadrupled.
2.) Use KE=1/2mv2  so…..
75J=1/2 x 6.0kg x v

C. Conservation of Energy
In a closed system the total amount of energy is conserved
Total energy includes potential energy, kinetic energy and internal energy
Energy within a system can be transferred among different types of energy but it can’t be destroyed

Conservation of Energy in a Perfect Physics World
In a perfect physics world since there is no friction there will be no change in internal energy so you don’t have to take that into account
In a perfect physics world energy will transfer between PE and KE

In the “Real” World
In the real world there is friction so the internal energy of an object will be affected by the friction (such as air resistance)

Conservation of Energy Symbols
ET=total energy of a system
PE=potential energy
KE=kinetic energy
Q=internal energy
***all units are Joules (J)

Conservation of Energy Equations
In a real world situation, ET=KE+PE+Q because friction exists and may cause an increase in the internal energy of an object
In a “perfect physics world” ET=KE+PE   with KE+PE equal to the total “mechanical energy of the system object

Conservation of Energy Examples (perfect physics world)
position #1
position #2
position #3                     more..

Conservation of Energy Examples (cont.)

Conservation of Energy Examples (cont.)
                     Position #1
                              Position #2
                               Position #3

Conservation of Energy (perfect physics world)
Position #1  the ball/bob has not starting falling yet so the total energy is all in gravitational potential energy
Position #2 the ball/bob is halfway down, so total energy is split evenly between PE and KE
Position #3 the ball/bob is at the end of its fall so total energy is all in KE

Conservation of Energy Problems
1.) A 2.0kg block starts at rest and then slides along a frictionless track. What is the speed of the block at point B?

Since there is no friction, Q does not need to be included
So…use ET=PE+KE
At position B, the total energy is entirely KE
Since you cannot find KE directly, instead find PE at the beginning of the slide and that will be equal to KE at the end of the slide        more…..

Answer (cont.)
PE (at position A) =mgΔh=2.0kgx9.81m/s2x7.0m =137.3J
KE (at position A) =0J because there is no speed
So ET (at position A)=137.3J
At position B there is no height so the PE is 0J

Answer (cont.)
At position B the total energy still has to be 137.3J because energy is conserved and because there is no friction no energy was “lost” along the slide
So….ET(position B)=137.3J=0J+KE
So…KE also equals 137.3J at position B

Answer (cont.)
Use KE=1/2mv2
So v (at position B)=11.7m/s

More Conservation of Energy Problems
position #1
position #2
position #3
1.) From what height must you drop the 0.5kg ball so that the it will be traveling at 25m/s at position #3(bottom of the fall)?
 2.)How fast will it be traveling at position #2 (halfway down)?
*Assume no friction

1.) At position #3, total energy will be all in KE because there is no height and no friction
So…use ET=KE=1/2mv2
KE=1/2 x 0.5kg x (25m/s)2
So…KE=156.25J=PE (at position#1)
And Δh=31.86m

Answers (cont.)
2.) Since position #2 is half way down total energy will be half in PE and half in KE
So…KE at position #2 will be half that at position #3
So…KE at position #2 is 78.125J
Then use KE (at #2)=78.125J =1/2 x 0.5kg x v2
v=17.68m/s at position #2

D. Energy of a Spring
Energy stored in a spring is called “elastic potential energy”
Energy is stored in a spring when the spring is stretched or compressed
The work done to compress or stretch a spring becomes its elastic potential energy

Spring Symbols
Fs=force applied to stretch or compress the spring in newtons (N)
k=spring constant in (N/m) ***specific for each type of spring
x=the change in length in the spring from the equilibrium position in meters (m)

Spring Equations

Spring Diagrams

Spring Problems
1.) What is the potential energy stored in a spring that stretches 0.25m from equilibrium when a 2kg mass is hung from it?
2.) 100J of energy are stored when a spring is compressed 0.1m from equilibrium. What force was needed to compress the spring?

1.) Using PEs=1/2kx2  you know “x” but not “k”
You can find “k” using Fs=kx
With Fs equal to the weight of the hanging mass
So… Fs=Fg=mg=2kgx9.81m/s2
Fs=19.62N=kx=k x 0.25m

Answers (cont.)
Now use PEs=1/2kx2
PEs=1/2 x 78.48N/m x (0.25m)2
So PEs=2.45J

Answers (cont.)
2.) To find the force will use Fs=kx, but since you only know “x” you must find “k” also
Use PEs=1/2kx2 to find “k”
k=20 000N/m
use Fs=kx=20 000N/m x 0.1m

Examples of Forms of Energy
1.) Thermal Energy is heat energy which is the KE possessed by the particles making up an object
2.) Internal Energy is the total PE and KE of the particles making up an object
3.) Nuclear Energy is the energy released by nuclear fission or fusion
4.) Electromagnetic Energy is the energy associated with electric and magnetic fields

IV. Electricity and Magnetism
A. Electrostatics/Electric Fields
B. Current Electricity
C. Series Circuits
D. Parallel Circuits
E. Electric Power and Energy
F. Magnetism and Electromagnetism

A. Electrostatics
Atomic Structure—the atom consists of proton(s) and neutron(s) in the nucleus and electrons outside the nucleus.
The proton and neutron have similar mass (listed in reference table)
The electron has very little mass (also in reference table)

"A proton has a positive..."
A proton has a positive charge that is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the electron’s negative charge
A neutron has no charge so it is neutral

"The unit of charge is..."
The unit of charge is the coulomb (C)
Each proton or each electron has an “elementary charge” (e) of 1.60x10-19C
The magnitude of the charge on both an electron and a proton are the same, only the signs are different

"An object has a neutral..."
An object has a neutral charge or no net charge if there are equal numbers of protons and neutrons
An object will have a net “negative” charge if there are more electrons than protons
An object will have a net “positive” charge if there are less electrons than protons

"Transfer of charge occurs only..."
Transfer of charge occurs only through movement of electrons
If an object loses electrons, it will have a net positive charge
If an object gains electrons, it will have a net negative charge

"When the 2 spheres touch"
When the 2 spheres touch

"And then are pulled apart"
And then are pulled apart. This is what happens

"On the previous page,"
On the previous page, only charge is transferred
Total charge stays the same
So charge is always conserved
There is “CONSERVATION OF CHARGE” just like with energy and momentum

Transfer of Charge Problem
1.) Sphere #1 touches sphere #2 and then is separated. Then sphere #2 touches #3 and is separated. What are the final charges on each sphere?

1.) #1 has a charge of +2e
     #2 has a charge of +3e
     #3 has a charge of  +3e

Electrostatic Symbols and Constants
Fe=electrostatic force in newtons (N) can be attractive or repulsive
k=electrostatic constant 8.99x109N.m2/C2
q=charge in coulombs (C)
r=distance of separation in meters (m)
E=electric field strength in (N/C)

Electrostatic Equations

Electric Fields
An electric field is an area around a charged particle in which electric force can be detected
Electric fields are detected and mapped using “positive” test charges
Field lines are the imaginary lines along which a positive test charge would move (arrows show the direction)

Electric Field Line Diagrams
Negative charge   Positive charge
            Parallel Plates

Electric Field Line Diagrams
Negative and positive charges
         Field lines

Electric Field Line Diagrams
Two positive charges
         Field lines

Electric Field Line Diagrams
Two negative charges
         Field lines

Electrostatics Problems
1.) What is the magnitude of the electric field strength when an electron experiences a 5.0N force?
2.) Is a charge of 4.8x10-19C? possible? A charge of
3.) What is the electrostatic force between two 5.0C charges that are 1.0x10-4m apart?

1.) Use

Answers (cont.)
2.) Only whole number multiples of the elementary charge are possible. To find out if charge is possible, divide by 1.60x10-19C.
4.8x10-19C is possible because when it is divided you get 3, which is a whole number.
5.0x10-19C is not possible because when it is divided you get 3.125 which is not a whole number.

Answers (cont.)
3.) Use

B. Current Electricity
Current is the rate at which charge passes through a closed pathway (a circuit)
The unit of current is ampere (A)

Conditions needed for a Circuit
Must have a “potential difference” supplied by a battery or power source
Must have a “pathway” supplied by wires
Can have a resistor(s)
Can have meters (ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters)

Current Electricity Quantities
Current is the flow of charge past a point in a circuit in a unit of time. Measured in amperes (A)
Potential Difference is the work done to move a charge between two points. Measured in volts (V)
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current. Measured in ohms (Ω)

Current Electricity Symbols
I=current in amperes (A)
Δq=charge in coulombs (C)
t=time in seconds (s)
V=potential difference in volts (V)
W=work in Joules (J)
R=resistance in ohms (Ω)
ρ=resistivity in (Ω.m)
L=length of wire in meters (m)
A=cross-sectional area of wire in square meters (m2)

Current Electricity Equations

A material is a “good” conductor if electric current flows easily through it
Metals are good conductors because they have many electrons available and they are not tightly bound to the atom
If a material is an extremely poor conductor, it is called an “insulator

Resistivity is an property inherent to a material (and its temperature) that is directly proportional to the resistance of the material
Use the “short, thick, cold” rule to remember what affects resistance
Short, thick, cold wires have the lowest resistance (best conduction)

Current Electricity Problems
1.) How many electrons pass a point in a wire in 2.0s if the wire carries a current of 2.5A?
2.) A 10 ohm resistor has 20C of charge passing through it in 5s. What it the potential difference across the resistor?


Answers (cont.)

Resistivity Problem
3.) What is the resistance of a 5.0m long aluminum wire with a cross-sectional area of 2.0x10-6m2 at 200C?


C. Series Circuits
Series circuit is a circuit with a single pathway for the current
Current stays the same throughout the circuit
Resistors share the potential difference from the battery (not necessarily equally)
The sum of the resistances of all resistors is equal to the equivalent resistance of the entire circuit

Series Circuit Equations

Ammeter measures the current in a circuit
Voltmeter measures the potential difference across a resistor or battery
Ohmmeter measures the resistance of a resistor

Circuit Diagram Symbols

More Circuit Diagram Symbols
Variable Resistor

Series Circuit Diagram Example

Series Circuit Problems
1.) Two resistors with resistances of 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in series to a 25V battery. Determine the potential drop through each resistor, the current through each resistor and the equivalent resistance.

1.) You can use R=V/I as soon as you have 2 pieces of information at each resistor. You can also use the series circuit laws.
First, use Req=R1+R2 to find Req
4Ω+6Ω=10Ω=Req (use this as the R at the battery)

Answers (cont.)
Then use R=V/I at the battery to find I at the battery
So…10Ω=25V/I  and I=2.5A and all currents are equal in a series circuit, so I1and I2=2.5A

Answers (cont.)
Now that you have 2 pieces of information at each resistor, you can use R=V/I to find potential differences
At the 4Ω resistor, 4Ω=V/2.5A
so V1=10V
At the 6Ω resistor, 6Ω=V/2.5A

D. Parallel Circuits
Parallel circuits have more than one pathway that the current can pass through
Current is shared (not necessarily equally) among the pathways
Voltage is the same in each pathway as across the battery
Equivalent resistance is the sum of the reciprocal resistances of the pathways (Req is always less than R of any individual pathway)

Parallel Circuit Equations

Parallel Circuit Diagram Example

Parallel Circuit Problems
1.) Three resistors of 2Ω, 4Ω and 4Ω are connected in parallel to an applied potential difference of 20V. Determine equivalent resistance for the circuit, the potential difference across each resistor and the current through each resistor.

So equivalent resistance=1Ω

Answers (cont.)
Use V=V1=V2=V3
So since V=20V, V1=V2=V3=20V

Answers (cont.)
Using R=V/I, substitute the potential differences and resistances for each resistor to find the current for each resistor

E. Electric Power and Energy
Electric power is the product of potential difference and current measured in watts just like mechanical power
Electric energy is the product of power and time measured in joules just like other forms of energy

Electric Power and Energy Equations

Electric Energy and Power Problems
1.) How much time does it take a 60W light bulb to dissipate 100J of energy?
2.) What is the power of an electric mixer while operating at 120V, if it has a resistance of 10Ω?
3.) A washing machine operates at 220V for 10 minutes, consuming 3.0x106J of energy. How much current does it draw during this time?

1.) Use W=Pt
2.) Use

Answers (cont.)
3.) Use W=VIt    but first need to change the 10 minutes to 600 seconds.

F. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Magnetism is a force of attraction or repulsion occurring when spinning electrons align
A magnet has two ends called “poles”
The “N” pole is “north seeking”
The “S” pole is “south seeking”
Like “poles” repel
Unlike “poles” attract

"If you break a magnet"
If you break a magnet, the pieces still have N and S poles
The earth has an “S” pole at the North Pole
The earth has a “N” pole at the South Pole
The “N” pole of a compass will point towards earth’s “S” pole which is the geographic North pole

"There is a “field"
There is a “field” around each magnet
Imaginary magnetic field or flux lines show where a magnetic field is
You can use a compass to map a magnetic field

Units for Magnetic Field
The weber (Wb) is the unit for measuring the number of field lines
The tesla (T) is the unit for magnetic field or flux density

Magnetic Field Diagrams

Magnetic Field Diagrams (cont.)

Magnetic Field Diagrams (cont.)

Moving a conductor through a magnetic field will induce a potential difference which may cause a current to flow (conductor must “break” the field lines for this to occur)
A wire with a current flowing through it creates a magnetic field
So…magnetism creates electricity and electricity creates magnetism

Electromagnetism Diagram
Must move wire into and out of page to induce potential current by breaking field lines

v. Waves
A.) Wave Characteristics
B.) Periodic Wave Phenomena
C.) Light
D.) Reflection and Refraction
E.) Electromagnetic Spectrum

A. Wave Characteristics
A wave is a vibration in a “medium” or in a “field”
Sound waves must travel through a medium (material)
Light waves may travel in either a medium or in an electromagnetic field
Waves transfer energy only, not matter

"A pulse is a single..."
A pulse is a single disturbance or vibration
A periodic wave is a series of regular vibrations

Types of Waves
1.) Longitudinal Waves are waves that vibrate parallel to the direction of energy transfer. Sound and earthquake p waves are examples.

Types of Waves
2.) Transverse waves are waves that vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of energy transfer. Light waves and other electromagnetic waves are examples.

Frequency is how many wave cycles per second
The symbol for frequency is f
The unit for frequency is hertz (Hz)
Frequency is pitch in sound
Frequency is color in visible light

Frequency (cont.)
           High frequency wave
           Low frequency wave

Period is the time required for one wave cycle
The symbol for period is T
The unit for period is the second (s)
The equation for period is T=1/f
Period and frequency are inversely proportional

Period (cont.)
           Short period wave
           Long period wave

The amplitude of a wave is the amount of displacement from the equilibrium line for the wave (how far crest or trough is from the equilibrium line)
Symbol for amplitude is A
Unit for amplitude is meter (m)
Amplitude is loudness in sound
Amplitude is brightness in light

Amplitude (cont.)
           High amplitude wave
           Low amplitude wave

Wavelength is the distance between points of a complete wave cycle
Symbol for wavelength is λ
Unit for wavelength is meter (m)
A wave with a high frequency will have short wavelengths and short period

Wavelength (cont.)
           Short wavelength    λ
           Long wavelength

Points that are at the same type of position on a wave cycle (including same direction from equilibrium and moving in same direction) are “in phase”

Phase (cont.)
Points that are in phase are whole wavelengths apart (i.e., 1λ apart, 2λ apart, 3λ apart, etc.)
Points that are in phase are multiples of 360 degrees apart (i.e., 360 degrees apart, 720 degrees apart, 1080 degrees apart, etc.)

Phase (cont.)
         A             B             C
     D               E             F
Points A, B and C are in phase
Points D, E and F are in phase
Points A and B are 360 degrees apart and 1λ apart
Points D and F are 720 degrees apart and 2λ apart

Phase (cont.)
          A                                 C
Points A and B are 180 degrees apart and ½ λ apart (not in phase)
Points C and D are 90 degrees apart and ¼ λ apart (not in phase)

Speed of a wave is equal to the product of wavelength and frequency
Symbol for speed is v
Unit for speed is m/s
Equation for speed is v=fλ
Can also use basic speed equation v=d/t if needed

Speed (cont.)
The speed of a wave depends on its “type” and the medium it is traveling through
The speed of light (and all electromagnetic waves) in a vacuum and in air is 3.00x108m/s
The speed of sound in air at STP (standard temperature and pressure) is 331m/s

Wave Characteristics Problems
1.) A wave has a speed of 7.5m/s and a period of 0.5s. What is the wavelength of the wave?
2.) If the period of a wave is doubled, what happens to its frequency?
3.) Points on a wave are 0.5λ apart, 7200 apart, 4λ apart. Which points are in phase?

1.) First use T=1/f to find f, then use v=fλ to find λ
So…0.5s=1/f and f=2.0Hz
Then…7.5m/s=2.0Hz(λ) and λ=3.75m
2.) T and f are inversely related so if T is doubled f is halved.

Answers (cont.)
3.) Points are in phase only if they are whole wavelengths apart or multiples of 360 degrees apart. So..the points that are 720 degrees apart are in phase and the points that are 4λ apart are in phase. The points that are 0.5λ apart are not in phase.

More problems
4.) What is the wavelength of the wave shown above?

4.) The wave is 5.0m long and contains 2.5 cycles. You want to know the length of 1 cycle.
So…5.0m/2.5 cycles=2.0m/cycle

B. Periodic Wave Phenomena
When waves interact with one another many different “phenomena” result
Those phenomena are the doppler effect, interference, standing waves, resonance and diffraction

Circular Waves
Some phenomena are easier to explain using circular waves
A is the λ from
 crest to crest
       is the
wavefront (all
 points on the
circle are in              A       A

Doppler Effect
If the source of waves is moving relative to an observer, the observed frequency of the wave will change (actual f produced by the source doesn’t change and movement must be fast for observer to notice)

Doppler Effect (cont.)
If source is moving towards the observer, f will increase (higher pitch if sound wave, shift towards blue if light wave)
If source is moving away from the observer, f will decrease (lower pitch if sound wave, shift towards red if light wave)

Doppler Effect (cont.)
Joe                                     Shmoe

Doppler Effect (cont.)
In the diagram on the previous page, the wave source is moving towards Joe
In the diagram on the previous page, the wave source is moving away from Shmoe

Doppler Effect (cont.)
The effect on Joe is that the f of the wave will be higher for him (shorter λ and T, higher pitch or bluer light)
The effect on Shmoe is that the f of the wave will be lower for him (longer λ and T, lower pitch or redder light)

When waves travel in the same region and in the same plane at the same time (superposition) they can interfere with each other
In “constructive” interference, waves build on one another to increase amplitude
In “destructive” interference, waves destroy on another to decrease amplitude

Interference (cont.)
Maximum constructive interference occurs when waves are in phase
Maximum destructive interence occurs when waves are 180 degrees out of phase

 Maximum Constructive Interference
Above results in

 Maximum Destructive Interference
Above results in

Standing Waves
Standing waves occur when waves having same A and same f travel in opposite directions. Vibrates so that it looks like waves are stationary

A body with an ability to vibrate has a natural frequency at which it will vibrate
If you put an object that is vibrating with that same natural frequency next to that body, the body will also start vibrating (don’t need to touch)
This is called “resonance”

Resonance (cont.)
Examples of resonance:
Find the “Tacoma Narrows Bridge” video on the internet
A singer being able to break a glass with her voice

When waves bend behind a barrier instead of going straight through that is called diffraction

C. Light
Light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to humans
The speed of light symbol is c
The speed of light is constant, 3.00x108m/s in air or a vacuum
Instead of using v=fλ, when it’s light you can substitute c=fλ

Light (cont.)
No object can travel faster than the speed of light (one of Einstein’s ideas)
The speed of light in a material is always less than c

Light Problems
1.) Determine the wavelength in a vacuum of a light wave having a frequency of 6.4x1014Hz.
2.) What is the frequency of a light wave with a wavelength of 5.6x10-7m?

1.) Use c=fλ
So… λ=4.7x10-7m
2.) Use c=fλ

D. Reflection and Refraction
Reflection occurs when a ray of light hits a boundary and bounces back into the same medium
Refraction occurs when a ray of light enters a new medium and changes direction because of a change in speed

More Reflection
The law of reflection
                    θi    θr
Dotted line is the “normal”
(reference line)

More Reflection
In a mirror the image of an object is flipped laterally (your right hand is your left hand in a mirror image)
To view an object in a plane mirror, you need a minimum of ½ the height of the object for the height of the mirror

More Refraction
When light enters a different medium, the change in direction depends on the density of the new medium
If new medium is denser, the light will slow down and bend towards the normal
If new medium is less dense, the light will speed up and bend away from the normal

More Refraction
Refraction Equations

More Refraction
n=index of refraction (no units)
v=speed of the wave in m/s
λ=wavelength in m
c=speed of light in a vacuum (3.00x108m/s)
θ1=angle of incidence
θ2=angle of refraction

Refraction Diagram
            glass        θ2
Light travels from air into glass which is more dense so it slows down and bends towards the normal

Refraction Diagram
           glass         θ2
Light travels from glass into air which is less dense so it speeds up and bends away from the normal

Absolute Index of Refraction
Absolute index of refraction is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a specific medium
The symbol is n
The higher the “n” number the denser the medium
The lower the “n” number the less dense the medium

Absolute Index of Refraction (cont.)
Higher “n” means slower v of light in the medium
Lower “n” means higher v of light in the medium
Use reference tables to find “n” numbers

1.) What is the speed of light in diamond?
2.) What is the ratio of the speed of light in corn oil to the speed of light in water?

Problems (cont.)
3.) A ray of monochromatic light having a frequency of 5.09x1014Hz is traveling through water. The ray is incident on corn oil at an angle of 600 to the normal. What is the angle of refraction in corn oil?


Answers (cont.)

Answers (cont.)
3.) Use Snell’s Law

E. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic waves include gamma rays, x rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, microwaves, t.v. and radio waves, long waves
Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating charges (produce alternating electric and magnetic fields)

Electromagnetic Spectrum (cont.)
High energy electromagnetic waves have high f and small λ
Low energy electromagnetic waves have low f and long λ
Energy in a wave can be increased by increasing f, decreasing λ and T and increasing the duration of the wave

Electromagnetic Spectrum (cont.)
In the visible light spectrum, the violet end is high f, short λ and high energy
In the visible light spectrum, the red end is low f, long λ and low energy

VI. Modern Physics
A. Quantum Theory
B. Atomic Models
C. Nucleus
D. Standard Model
E. Mass-Energy

A. Quantum Theory
E-m energy is absorbed and emitted in specific amounts called “quanta” according to the quantum theory
A photon is the basic unit of
e-m energy (particle of light)
In wave theory E-m energy is emitted continuously
Energy of a photon is directly related to its frequency

Quantum Theory (cont.)
Light acts like a wave during diffraction, interference and the doppler effect
Light acts like a particle (quantum idea) during the photoelectric effect and atomic spectra

Quantum Theory (cont.)
Ephoton=energy of a photon in joules (J)
h=Planck’s constant
f=frequency in hertz (Hz)
λ=wavelength in meters (m)
c=speed of light in vacuum 3.00x108m/s

Quantum Theory (cont.)
Photoelectric Effect—Einstein used the particle idea of light (quantum theory) to explain why light incident on a photosensitive metal would only cause electrons to be emitted if its frequency was high enough

Quantum Theory (cont.)
When light acts like a particle, it has momentum just like a particle
Compton Effect—when an e-m photon hits an electron, the photon transfers some of its energy and momentum to the electron
Particles can also act like waves by having a wavelength (usually too small to detect)

B. Atomic Models
Thomson Model of the atom introduced the idea of an atom containing both positive and negative charges (balancing each other because atom is neutral)
  negative charge
  positive charge

Atomic Models (cont.)
Rutherford Model of the atom introduced “nucleus” idea with small positive core at center surrounded by orbiting negative electrons
     positive charge
     negative charge

Atomic Models (cont.)
Bohr Model of the atom kept Thomson and Rutherford ideas but added “energy levels” to explain why electrons don’t crash into the nucleus
Positive charge
Negative charge

Atomic Models (cont.)
Bohr Model Ideas
Electrons can only gain or lose energy in specific amounts (quanta)
Electrons can occupy only certain orbits that have fixed radii
Orbits closer to the nucleus have lower energy, those farther away, higher energy

Atomic Models (cont.)
Bohr Model Ideas (cont.)
Electrons can jump up to higher orbits by “absorbing” quanta of energy
Electrons will emit quanta of energy when they fall down to lower orbits
The orbit closest to the nucleus is called “ground state”

Atomic Models (cont.)
Bohr Model Ideas (cont.)
Any orbit (level) above ground state is called an “excited state”
An atom is “ionized” when an electron has been removed
“The ionization potential” is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from the atom
Use energy level diagrams in the reference tables

Atomic Models (cont.)
Cloud Model was introduced because the Bohr model couldn’t explain atoms with many electrons
Cloud model has same basic setup, nucleus and electrons, but there are no fixed orbits
Electrons are spread out in electron clouds instead

Atomic Spectra
Each element has a specific spectrum (lines of specific frequencies of e-m energy that are either emitted or absorbed)

Atomic Spectra (cont.)
Emission Spectra (Bright-line) occur when electrons fall to lower energy levels and “emit” quanta of energy
Absorption Spectra (Dark line) occur when electrons absorb energy in order to jump up energy levels leaving behind dark lines

C. Nucleus
The nucleus is the core of the atom made up of protons and neutrons
The nucleus contains almost all of the mass of the atom
The nucleus is positively charged because of the protons

Nucleus (cont.)
Each proton has a charge of +1e which is equal to +1.60x10-19C
Each neutron has a charge of 0e so it is neutral
The mass of a proton or a neutron is 1.67x10-27kg

Nucleus (cont.)
The nuclear force (strong force) is the strongest force known, that is why nuclear reactions (fission and fusion) create such large amounts of energy

D. Standard Model
The particles of an atom; the electrons, neutrons and protons, are not the whole story
An electron is a fundamental particle, but a neutron and proton are not
A fundamental particle can’t be broken down into smaller particles (at least we think so)

Standard Model (cont.)
There are 3 categories of fundamental particles; hadrons, leptons and force carrier particles
Hadrons can interact with all 4 fundamental forces of nature. Protons and neutrons are hadrons
Leptons can interact with all the forces except the strong nuclear force. Electrons are leptons

Standard Model (cont.)

Standard Model (cont.)
A Baryon is a particle that can be changed into a proton or a neutron
A Meson is a particle of intermediate mass

Standard Model (cont.)

Standard Model (cont.)
A quark is a particle that makes up baryons and mesons
Quarks have partial charges, +1/3e, -1/3e, +2/3e or -2/3e
See reference tables for lists of quarks
Each particle has an antiparticle having all same characteristics except opposite charge and magnetic moment

Standard Model (cont.)

Standard Model (cont.)

Four Fundamental Forces of Nature
1.) Strong nuclear force is by far the strongest, very close ranged (nuclear distances)
2.) Electromagnetic force is the next strongest and closed ranged
3.) Weak nuclear force is the third strongest, very close ranged
4.) Gravitational force is weakest and very long ranged

E. Mass-Energy
According to Albert Einstein, mass and energy are different manifestations of the same thing    E=mc2
E=energy in joules (J)
m=mass in kilograms (kg)

 Mass-Energy (cont.)
The mass-energy relationship can also be seen in the following relationship
u=universal mass unit
Mev=megaelectronvolt (106eV)
****eV is an energy unit for very small amounts of energy
1eV also equals 1.60x10-19J

Mass-Energy (cont.)
Just like energy has to be conserved, so does mass energy
Mass can be converted to energy and energy can be converted to mass
But mass cannot be created or destroyed

Modern Physics Problems
1.) How much energy would be produced if a 1.0kg mass was completely converted to energy?
2.) Determine the energy of a photon with a frequency of 3.5x1014Hz.

Modern Physics Problems (cont.)
3.) The rest mass of a neutron is 1.0087u. Determine the energy equivalent in megaelectronvolts.
4.) What type of e-m energy will be either absorbed or emitted when an electron falls from the n=3 to the n=1 level in a hydrogen atom?

1.) Use E=mc2
2.) Use Ephoton=hf
Ephoton=6.63x10-34J.s(3.5x1015Hz) Ephoton=2.3x10-18J

Answers (cont.)
3.) Use 1u=931MeV
So…1.0087u x 931MeV/1u=
939MeV for the energy equivalent

Answers (cont.)
4.) First subtract energy levels so…13.6eV-1.51eV=12.09eV
Then change to joules using 1eV=1.60x10-19J
Then use E=hf
So….f=2.92x1015Hz which is ultraviolet light
(find that in reference table)

The End
You made it!!!!!