AmDocs: Documents for the Study of American History
Be sure and look at a Comprehensive Portal to American Politics
American Memory Collection Finder
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Original documents
Douglass Archive of American Address
FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Historical United States Census Data Browser
History Central: America’s Wars
Images of American Political History
Immigration 1900-1920 Ellis Island
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Jewish-American History on the Web
Making of America (Primary Source Materials)
Oyez Oyez: US Supreme Court Multimedia Database
Places Where Women Made History
Public Papers of the Presidents
Smithsonian Institution History Day Site
U.S. (Philadelphia area)
Children at work, Theodore Roosevelt, the San Francisco earthquake, Harry Truman, the automobile industry plus much more.
20the Century History by the Decades (Chico High School)
This site has many links to sites for each of the decades.
Gives an overview of the 20th century
Alameda County Library Decades
American Photography: a Century of Images
An Abridged History of the United States
Broadcasting History 1920-1960
Celebrate the Century: Search the Web for U.S. History of the 1910s
Covers the territorial expansion of the US from 1775-1920.
Decades in 20th Century America
Historical Atlas of the 20th Century
History of Fashion, Food and Time
Life Magazine’s Tom 100 Events of the Last Millennium
Modern World: Recent Times 1945-present
Multnomah Homework Center:American History
PBS Online presents the history of important events throughout the century.
POTUS: Presidents of the United States
Sixties Project and VietNam Gneration
Gives information on 100 important people and events of the 20th century
Vietnam: Stories Since the War
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement (National Park Service)
The American Immigration Home Page
This site provides detailed information about immigration into the US from 1607 on.
Tells the stories of immigrants from the beginning of the 20th century.
The Changing Character of Immigration
Photos and text explain the changing face of US immigrants in the early 1900s.
This site presents 19th century immigration through timelines, images, etc.
Gives brief history of the immigrants’ journey to America
Immigration in American Memory
Library of Congress site.
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
You will visit the Urban Log Cabin to learn about some of the types of immigrant families who lived in these buildings in New York.
Angel Island: The Pacific Gateway
Chinese immigration, living conditions, medical exams, interrogation and much more.
This site is from the History channel. Gives a timeline of the island, create a family tree online, you can experience a day in the life of a typical immigrant on the Island and much more.
The history and immigration of thousands to the United States in the early 20th century
A historical overview, about the journey to Ellis Island, and Ellis Island today. From the National Park Service
Ellis Island: Through America’s Gateway
Explains what citizenship is, how someone can become a citizen and what their rights and responsibilities are as a citizen.
Find out what you would need to learn for the test to become a U.S. citizen.
General Naturalization Requirements
From the National Park Service, this site explains the statue’s history and the size of the statue.
Harlem in New York City was enriched with many African American artists and musicians
Canada and The First World War
This site covers Canada’s role In World I. Also includes interviews with veterans and online wartime letters and diaries.
This site explores war in the air, political leaders, weapons, military tactics, statistics, battles, and much much more.
An historical survey of World War I provided by PBS
Has most of the primary documents concerning this war.
Assassination of the Archduke, U-boat attack
Causes of World War I. This page is from Professor Gerhard Remple, Dept. of History, Western New England College
1908-1912 photographs of children who were in the workplace.
Read about the history of the Panama Canal, the treaty, leaders and historical figures here.
1920s and 1930s: Depression and the New Deal (music)
Chico High School links to the 20s
This is an excellent site
Celebrate the Century: Search the Web for U.S. History of the 1920s
Collapse of Wall Street and the Lessons of History
Timeline of Costume History: 1920-30
Click on Collection Finder, Scroll down to History and click on it or scroll down farther to Time Line click on 1920’s.
Click on African American history.
Flappers In The Roaring Twenties
Contains many links to material on the American prohibition time period.
This league’s crusade lead to constitutional amendment for prohibition
Scopes Monkey Trial July 10,1925 – July 25, 1925
Evolution Trial Pamphlet setting the stage. A Great Site.
Large collection of information, essays and photos on the trial, participants, etc.
Includes pictures, cartoons, and research.
American Cultural History (The Thirties)
America from the Great Depression to World War II (photographs)
20th Century by the Decades (1930s)
American Culture in the 1930’s
Internet Movie Database: In This Year
Visions in the Dust: A Child’s Perspective of the Dust Bowl
Vintage Radio Script Library (this is an EXCELLENT site)
Google Directory: Old Time Radio Links
Site from PBS Online presents maps, a timeline and people and events of the dust bowl.
America: From Great Depression to World War II
A photo history of this time
Explores causes of the depression
Great Depression and New Deal Photos (FDR Library)
Over 900 articles, speeches, letters from the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.
Covers the WPA project during the depression.
A Brief History of Social Security
Tells why Social Security was created and how it came about.
How were numbers assigned to workers. Who was the first person assigned a card? Who designed the card and much more information.
Color Photographs From 1938-1944
1,600 photographs of rural and small town America during the late 1930’s and scenes of the war effort from 1939-1944
Creative Americans: Portraits by Carl Van Vechten, 1932-1964
1,400 Portraits of literary figures, artists and celebrities
For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan
Marshall’s reconstruction plan for Europe following World War II.
History Place—World War II in the Pacific
The History Place—African Americans in World War II.
Scroll down to World War II - African Americans
Covers Churchill, FDR. Hitler, Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, Stalin, World War II
Kingwood College Library’s American Cultural History, 1940-1949
Links and information about art, architecture, literature, education, fashion, fads, historic events, music, theater, film, television, and radio
Liberty University Library’s “20th Century America”
Many Links to World War II
Covers the era of people who lived during the Great Depression into the early 1940s
Highlights the contributions of the thousands of Americans who served the country during WWII.
Gives the history of the Social Security program and the Social Security Administration
The Seattle Times article tells the story of the Japanese-American internment in the Northwest.
American Concentration Camps: Map
A History of Japanese-American Internment
Japanese American Exhibit and Access Project
Japanese American Internment: Santa Clara Valley
Discusses how people attempted to create a home in these camps.
Museum of the City of San Francisco
Newspaper articles from the San Francisco News
Relocation of Japanese-Americans
Text from the actual War Relocation Authority Publication dated May 1943 explaining the need to relocate Japanese-Americans.
Thirteen Frequently Asked Questions
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement,1942-1945
Photographs of various camps.
War Relocation Authority Camps in Arizona, 1942-1946
Photographs and info that shows the social life, camp life and work at Arizona’s camps.
Heart Mountain Digital Preservation Project
Documents and photographs
Kosskia Internees and Employees Sought
Summarizes Japanese-American internment in Idaho.
Short summary of Pearl Harbor invasion with photos.
Deployment of Attacking Japanese Aircraft
Map illustrates the Japanese attack on Pear Harbor
The text of the Japanese battle order to attack Pearl Harbor
Detailed map
Includes map of harbor, survivor’s stories and how the Japanese attacked Oahu
Discover the women who flew military planes during World War II.
President Roosevelt Asks Congress to Declare War on Japan
This Day in World War II History
He helped save thousands of endangered refugees who were trapped in the Vichy French zone escape from the Nazi
Covers women who were journalists, photographers and broadcasters.
Covers the secret service, presents radio reports the days before Britain declared war and sound clip memories of evacuees, etc.
World War II Historical Text Archive
Documents from World War II.
Yahoo! Directory 20th century history—1970
WWW-VL: History: USA--1970-1979
Many links to on-line research sites.
American Cultural History 1970-1979—Kingwood College
Gateway to African American History from 1975-Present
Twenty years after this massacre, CNN looks at the event and the man behind it, Jim Jones.
Court TV’s crime library history of what happened at Jonestown and in addition there are several other links to Web Pages.
Files from the FBI’s investigation of the 1970 shootings.
Inquire, Learn, Reflect: May 4, 1970, Years of Remembrance
Webpage for a 1995 exhibit at the Kent State University Library. Includes a chronology of the events of May 1-4, 1970 as well as memorials and other literature produced by the University.
The May 1970 Tragedy at Jackson State University
A detailed history of the event
An account of the murder of Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich
30 years after the massacre
History, documents and related links. Also includes resources for teachers.
Iranian Hostage Crisis 1979-1981
Many links to web sites related to hostage crisis.
Symbionese Liberation Army “SLA”
Informtion gathered by the Ross Institute.
This site provides an introduction to the most famous political scandal in American history.
The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Photo essay about the Watergate Decade
Time and Again—Watergate Timeline
Photographic timeline.
Freedom of Information Act: Watergate
141pages of info.
Avalon Project at the Yale Law School: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
Goal is to allow you to find and access law-related information and products that you need.
Education and research agency for the federal courts.
FedWorld/FLITE U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Home Page
Search and View Full Text of Supreme Court Decisions issued between 1937 and 1975 –full text of 7, 407 Supreme Court Decisions.
*FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions
Foreign Governments: Constitutions, Laws and Treaties
Information from and about the Judicial Branch. A good overview of the system.
GPO Access U.S. Supreme Court Opinions, archive
Opinions and orders from 1992-1993 session through the 1999-2000 session.
Supreme Court Case Collection
Historic Supreme Court Decisions by Justice
Search by case name, keyword or citation. United States Supreme Court—Monitor
Can access U.S. Supreme Court Cases from 1970 to present
Covers supreme court decisions and orders.
**Oyez Oyez: US Supreme Court Multimedia Database (search by subject)
Can search by Title, Citation, or Subject. Much of material is on audio.
From Washington state, this site lets you explore state, national and international laws. Supreme Court Cases are covered.
Supreme Court of the United States
This site has biographies of judges, the supreme court’s traditions, the procedures they sell, plus much more.
Supreme Court Historical Society
Macmillan Law Library—Federal Courts Finder
U.S. Gov Printing Office—Supreme Court Decisions
Virtual tour of the Supreme Court Building
Contains thousands of opinions handed down by the court, and is one of the most comprehensive databases on the Internet. You can get to the cases by Subject, Citation, Party Names or Word or phase Search.
General Links
Twentieth Century Sites
General Sites
The 1900s & Immigration
THE 1930’s including Great Depression, New Deal, Social Security
THE 1940's
The 1970s
Symbionese Liberation Army
Supreme Court Decisions—Mrs. B’s Class